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Aqui irá encontrar todos os nossos artigos disponíveis em stock ou sob encomenda bem como uma breve descrição das características ou necessidades dos mesmos (dependendo do tipo de artigo).

Nota: Deverá ser confirmada a disponibilidade em stock e ou prazos de entrega antes de submeter o seu pedido no carrinho. 

Nota 2: Para envio de vivos deverá acrescentar a caixa de esferovite e bolsa térmica na sua encomenda.


Em Stock = Disponível para entrega ou envios imediatos.

Esgotado = Possível de pedir Sob encomenda, mas sem stock imediato. 

Microsorum Pteropus Petit, is a variant of Microsorum Pteropus  which has a smaller size, both in terms of plant and leaves, is a relatively  attractive that thrives in all conditions.  will reach 10  cm tall.  The plant's rhizomes are known to grow up to 10  cm or more.  It is a slow growing plant and the leaves survive for several years.  This allows slow-growing algae a chance to establish themselves.  A pH of 6.5 to 7.5 is ideal and is best maintained with an alkalinity of 3 to 7 dKH.  A high quality substrate fertilizer is required, and the use of CO2 fertilization is recommended. 

It is not eaten by herbivorous fish.  Planting on stone or tree root will achieve the best result.  To keep these plants small, simply trim the leaves near the rhizome with sharp scissors.


Care Level: Easy
Width: 8cm - 12cm
Height: 5cm - 15cm
Lighting requirement: 0.25 Watt per liter
Water temperature: 22 - 28 o C
Position in the aquarium: Foreground
Growth speed: slow
Type: Rhizomes

For more information on how to order this or another Plant contact us through our website or our page

Microsorum Pteropus Petit Vaso

Only 5 left in stock
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